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Our Funders

Learn more about CODE University of Applied Sciences and the Andreas Gerl Foundation.

Together, we support migrants in Berlin in overcoming any obstacles left standing in their path to [re-]entering tech.

The Andreas Gerl Foundation from Berlin focuses its charitable activities on supporting children and young people. Equal opportunities in the first two decades of life are an important prerequisite for a just society.
The founder, attorney Dr. Andreas Gerl, is passionate about paving the way to a better life for disadvantaged children and young people – for him, one focus is particularly important: “I want to help improve the starting conditions of young people, and education is an important key to this.”
The Andreas Gerl Foundation supports QUEST 2023/2024 with 150.000€.
The pace of technological progress is accelerating exponentially. Yet, many educational institutions continue to rely on traditional teaching methods often failing to prepare scholars for today’s dynamic workplace.
CODE’s learning concept is radically different. We empower students to become the digital leaders of tomorrow by fostering practice-driven learning, interdisciplinarity and a commitment to lifelong learning and agility. Our focus extends beyond knowledge acquisition, equipping students with the skills and mindset required for success in an ever-evolving digital landscape.